These Voices have been Silenced

  Why are these voices silenced?   YouTube videos have disappeared, just like that and out of the blue. Comments have also disappeared. What is happening here? I had posted videos on Facebook by Dr. Judy Mikovits, and suddenly these videos were gone. Who is afraid of her? I was able to salvage some of…

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The Health of the Planet

  Why the health of the Planet matters   This website started as a protest against banned videos. Please do not be upset if you encounter one of those “grey” videos.   We are using and abusing Mother Nature It closely relates our health and well-being to the health of our environment. I have written…

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5G, Connections, and Consequences

  Is 5G a health hazard to humanity?   Too sad that some years ago, YouTube videos were disappearing. Censorship, that is what it was. When you scroll down, you might encounter one of those “grey” videos.   Are we conscious of the price we pay for having 5G in our lives? There are thousands…

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Your Health and Lifestyle

  Your Health and Lifestyle   Nobody likes to be censored, but these past years there was and is too much evidence to not believe it. We should be allowed to know everything to then form our own opinion.   It is a fact that your lifestyle will influence your health. The cleaner your environment…

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Alternative Tools and Solutions

  Natural Solutions and Tools   Too bad that so often natural healing methods are neglected. Big Pharma wants you to be a client/patient for life. Censorship suppressing the good and promoting the bad is normal nowadays. Videos with valuable information suddenly disappear taking the freedom of choice away.   The importance of finding healing…

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Vaccines, Their History and Consequences

  Was it all a plan? Slowly but surely details come to light. Important information was denied to all of us. Making people fearful they are easily manipulated. Censorship was/is an everyday thing. Will it get any better? I do not know but I am certain we have to remain vigilant and not accept any…

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Bill Gates

  Bill Gates and his plan   I do not trust Mr. Gates at all. I do not agree with his methods and am convinced he does not tell the truth. In case you see a “grey” YouTube video that is caused by censorship, the reason why I started this website.     Introducing Bill…

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